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BSC 2025-2026 Catalog

About The Catalog

Thank you for visiting Bismarck State College's 2025-2026 academic catalog. Below you will find links to the main areas of the catalog as well as information about each.

  • About BSCLearn about how BSC can set you up for success. Here you'll find the academic calendar, a leadership directory, and statements regarding our mission and vision, polytechnic advantage, catalog disclaimer, and accreditations.
  • College Degree Requirements: Review the terms and conditions for earning a degree and the various course lists used to meet certain requirements.
  • Programs of Study/Degrees: Explore all of BSC's programs, degrees, and transfer pathways. Each page includes an overview of the program and the degrees offered. Degree plans list courses either necessary or recommended to earn the degree.
  • Course Description: Browse through all of BSC's course offerings categorized by subject area. Each course description lists the course's code, title, credits, pre and corequisites, repeat status, semester offered, and description. You can also visit the Search Courses page for a more refined search.
  • Policies & Procedures: Read through BCS's policies on access to information, FERPA, notice of nondiscrimination, and additional information on the student handbook.

* These pages and more can be accessed from the right navigation menu (top navigation menu on mobile and smaller screens).