Assessment of Student Learning

Guided by the Higher Learning Commission’s criteria for accreditation, Bismarck State College is dedicated to assessing and improving student learning across the institution. Program learning outcomes identified for all programs of study and co-curricular programs serve as the framework for assessment at the program level. Institutionally, assessment of student learning efforts at BSC are grounded in the college’s Institutional Essential Learning Outcomes (IELOs). BSC’s IELOs are the collective expression of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies that students are expected to develop as a result of their overall experiences at BSC, connecting opportunities for students both within and beyond the classroom and demonstrating how we work together as a campus community to promote student learning success. Data collected for the IELOs and program learning outcomes are used by faculty, staff, and administrators to determine the level of student achievement and drive improvement. Due to the comprehensive nature of student learning, faculty and staff throughout the institution assume responsibility for assessment. All students participate in the process while at BSC.