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Business and Office Technology (BOTE)

BOTE 102. Keyboarding I

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: SPRING
Learning the alphanumeric keyboard on the personal computer with emphasis on skill building, letters, reports and tabulation.

BOTE 108. Business Mathematics

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Review of fundamental processes and their application to business. Among topics studied are percentages, commissions, inventories, payrolls, taxes, interest, insurance, stocks and bonds.

BOTE 113. Elementary Anatomy and Physiology

Credits: 2
Typically Offered: ONDEMAND
This is a first semester course and a concise course designed for medical administrative assistants and others who will not go into the biological sciences. Emphasis will be placed on a broad basic knowledge of the skin, bones, muscles, and nerves and the development of a vocabulary of common anatomical terms.

BOTE 114. Elementary Anatomy and Physiology

Credits: 2
Prerequisite: BOTE 113.
Typically Offered: ONDEMAND
This is a second semester course designed for medical administrative assistants and others who will not go into the biological sciences. Emphasis will be placed on a broad basic knowledge of the special senses, the heart, respiration, digestion, and reproductive systems. Students will develop a vocabulary of common anatomical terms.

BOTE 121. Business English

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALL
Business English grammar fundamentals which assist the college students in fulfilling a prerequisite for successful communication: a high degree of skill pertaining to the principles of grammar, usage, and basic sentence structure.

BOTE 122. Business English

Credits: 3
Prerequisite: BOTE 121.
Typically Offered: SPRING
A course in business English pertaining to a high degree of skill in sentence structure, punctuation, number style, spelling, word usage, proofreading and editing. This theory is applied in transcribing business letters, memos and reports by using the foot pedal and transcribing software.

BOTE 152. Keyboarding II

Credits: 3
Prerequisite: Ability to key with proper technique 40+ words per minute.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course uses the personal computer with selected software on concentrated drills to increase speed and accuracy. Students will also prepare letters, memos, reports, tabulations, as well as special problems.

BOTE 171. Medical Terminology

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course is a study of prefixes, suffixes, and root words of medical terms and their meaning, spelling and pronunciation. Designed for medical administrative assistants and related areas.

BOTE 172. Medical Terminology

Credits: 3
Prerequisite: BOTE 171 or departmental approval.
Typically Offered: SPRING
A review of medical vocabulary, this course also covers aspects of pathology, surgical operations, and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, with a greater comprehension of human anatomy and physiology. The course also covers medical abbreviations and the principal terms used in pharmacology and radiology.

BOTE 209. Office Management

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALL
Introduction to office management concepts and technology, with emphasis on critical thinking, creative problem solving, professional development, leadership, teamwork, and other soft skills.

BOTE 210. Business Communications

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
A creative business letter-writing course with emphasis on vocabulary and review of grammar combined with computer skills to produce clear, concise, correct, courteous and complete business letters. Report writing, team presentation, and oral communication included.

BOTE 212. Business Portfolio

Credits: 1
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course prepares students to complete a variety of business-related tasks to enhance their workforce skills. Students will focus on professional communication while setting goals, completing a comprehensive project, preparing an up to date resume, job searching, and using digital tools to examine other employment related activities. Any students taking this course should do so during the final semester of the Business Fundamentals certificate.

BOTE 222. Medical Transcription I

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALL
First semester course. Arrangement of professional charts, medical records, history sheets, and laboratory reports dictated by a professional dictator and covering physicals, radiology, operations, pathology, and autopsies.

BOTE 251. Legal Transcription

Credits: 2
Typically Offered: SPRING
Development of the administrative assistant's skills in the area of legal transcription. Students gain understanding of letters, legal documents, and forms used in the legal office. Students learn how to plan and organize legal forms and documents used in the litigation process.

BOTE 253. Legal Office Procedures

Credits: 3
Typically Offered: SPRING
This course familiarizes students with law office setup, ethics, mailing procedures, and communication skills. Emphasis on terminology, spelling, law office procedures, and the legal administrative assistants responsibility to employers and clients. Students create and edit legal forms using the transcription software.