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Education (EDUC)

EDUC 210. Educational Technology

Credits: 2
Prerequisite: CSCI 101.
Corequisite: EDUC 250 and EDUC 298.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course is an integrated approach to understanding and utilizing educational technology in instructional environments. Emphasis will be placed on determining the purpose of integrated technology in the elementary or secondary classroom setting, identifying appropriate grade-level or content-area technology resources, and making informed and reflective decisions about how to utilize them for facilitating and assessing learning.

EDUC 250. Introduction to Education

Credits: 3
Prerequisite: ENGL 110.
Corequisite: EDUC 298 or Departmental approval.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course provides a study of teaching as a profession, including historical, philosophical, social and psychological foundations of education. This course in an introduction to the study of education and will provide a general overview of the teaching profession. Through participation in the course, students will evaluate their commitment to becoming a professional educator.

EDUC 298. Pre-Professional Experience

Credits: 1
Corequisite: Concurrent registration in, or previous successful completion of, EDUC 250.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Students will be placed with teachers in actual K-12 classes. Students will spend thirty hours observing the teachers in action and will keep journals recording their observations.