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Humanities (HUMS)

HUMS 210. Integrated Cultural Studies

Credits: 3
Studies into the cultural life of foreign peoples. This course allows students to experience the rich and complex civilization of foreign nations, exploring their geography, history, art, literature, language, life style and cuisine.

HUMS 211. Integrated Cultural Excursion

Credits: 1-3
This course allows students, who participate in BSC sponsored tours, to earn college credit while exploring personages, places, institutions or events during their travels. Students will need to make arrangements with the tour coordinator or the chairman of the Humanities department.

HUMS 212. Integrated Cultural Enrichment

Credits: 2
This course provides cultural enrichment for students by providing them with experiences in the humanities, particularly in the arts, but also in history. Students will participate in the course by attending a minimum of 15 hours of performances, lectures, cultural events, visits to art exhibits and/or museums, and completing supplemental reading.