Music (MUSC)
MUSC 100. Music Appreciation
Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Covers musical styles and forms of classical music as well as historical background from the Medieval to the Contemporary. A study of periods, composers, and compositions. A background in music is not required.
MUSC 115. Mixed Chamber Choir
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
BSC Chamber Singers is a select, by audition, performance ensemble. This course provides an extra opportunity to challenge students who are especially interested in personal advancement of choral art and musicianship skills and offers performance oportunities on campus and in the community.
MUSC 117. Concert Choir
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Performing ensemble open to all BSC students. Activities include Choir Fest, tours and concerts on campus.
MUSC 118. Chamber Choir
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
An auditioned select ensemble of 12-16 voices. Music covers a variety of styles from madrigal to classical, jazz to popular.
MUSC 121. String Ensemble
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Open to all BSC students with a background in stringed instruments.
MUSC 122. Music Theory I
Credits: 3
Corequisite: Concurrent registration in MUSC 123 and MUSC 151 or MUSC 145 required for majors or students interested in continuing with MUSC 124.
Typically Offered: FALL
Notation, rhythm, scales, intervals, transposition, harmony, cadences and nonharmonic tones.
MUSC 123. Aural Skills I
Credits: 2
Typically Offered: FALL
Emphasis on developing vocal production, aural/reading skills in scales, intervals and rhythms, and basic melodic and rhythmic dictation.
MUSC 124. Music Theory II
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in MUSC 125 and MUSC 152 or MUSC 145.
Typically Offered: SPRING
Partwriting, seventh chords, secondary dominants, modulation, composition. Prerequisite: MUSC 122.
MUSC 125. Aural Skills II
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: MUSC 123.
Typically Offered: SPRING
Continuation of MUSC 123.
MUSC 132. Band
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Open to all students, this is a performing ensemble for those students who enjoy expression through instrumental playing. It is a non-audition group and performs a wide variety of band literature.
MUSC 137. Jazz Ensemble
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Open to all students. Jazz literature from all 20th century styles, improvisation, concerts throughout the year.
MUSC 140. Orchestra
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 6.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Students will rehearse and perform with a community ensemble as determined by the instructor and upon audition for and approval of the selected ensemble's director.
MUSC 145. Applied Music
Credits: 1
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 12.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
For students not enrolled as music majors. Private lessons in voice, piano, strings, wind instruments, percussion, organ, guitar; the name of the instrument becomes the name of the course. Open to all BSC students. Lessons are half hour weekly for ten weeks. Lab fee.
MUSC 146. Applied Music - Major
Credits: 2
Repeat Status: Repeatable up to 12.00 credits.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
For students declared as music majors. Private lessons in voice, piano, strings, wind instruments, percussion, or guitar for music majors, music minors or other students with approval of instructor. Lessons are one hour weekly for ten weeks. Lab fee.
MUSC 172. Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation
Credits: 2
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of the basic principles of non-linear digital audio editing software. Topics include creating and managing digital audio workstation sessions, importing media, basic editing and mixing techniques, external controllers, managing sessions and tracks, recording and editing MIDI and audio, timescaling, and automation. Students will work with a variety of digital audio software.
MUSC 174. Live Sound Reinforcement
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Restricted to Digital Audio Production students only.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Live sound engineers must have the engineering skills to safely control vast amounts of electric and acoustical energy, and the artistic skills to mix a tasteful, enveloping show. This course will heavily stress the underlying principles of acoustics and electro acoustics, while encouraging students to listen critically and to mix artistically.
MUSC 176. Introduction to Pro Tools
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: MUSC 172.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course will launch students into familiarization with the most widely recognized industry standard studio recording software: Pro Tools. This fast-paced environment will instruct students in Pro Tools recording techniques through the use of the Pro Tools 101 text, video tutorials created by the instructor, quizzes and exams, projects, and class discussion. Restricted to Digital Audio Production students only.
MUSC 178. Introduction to Cakewalk Sonar Studio and Producer
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: Restricted to Digital Audio Production students only.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Producing music with SONAR provides students with the general skills to complete all aspects of a multi-track recording using MIDI, audio, loops and plugin effects using Cakewalk's SONAR.
MUSC 201. World Music
Credits: 3
Typically Offered: SPRING
World Music is a survey course of music, culture, and people from across the non-Western world. The course explores the fundamental aspects of music including pitch, harmony, rhythm, meter, texture, and timbre as found in Indigenous, folk and popular music from the non-Western world. Music from many countries and cultures will be studied including: Native America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Centralasia, India, China, Japan, Indonesia, and the Caribbean. A background in music is not required.
MUSC 207. Music for Teachers
Credits: 3
Typically Offered: FALL
An interdisciplinary music course for elementary education majors. This course is meant to provide enhanced understanding of the basic skills of music, the importance of music in the curriculum, and an introduction to pedagogical methods for integrating music into the elementary classroom.
MUSC 222. Music Theory III
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: MUSC 124.
Corequisite: Concurrent registration in MUSC 223 and MUSC 251 or MUSC 145.
Typically Offered: FALL
Chromatic harmony, study of musical forms, composition, and musical analysis.
MUSC 243. Woodwind Methods I
Credits: 2
Typically Offered: FALL
Covers literature, instruction of and performance on flute and clarinet. Required for music majors.
MUSC 254. Vocal Methods
Credits: 2
Typically Offered: FALLEVEN
Vocal Methods is a required course for all vocal and instrument music education majors. The student will learn techniques for singing with emphasis on pedagogical principles, physiology for singing, physical development of the voice and applied competency of fundamentals.
MUSC 272. Music Business and Industry
Credits: 2
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
This course presents the student with an overview of the music industry. The topics addressed will include copyright law, songwriting, live performance, the record industry, music merchandising, contracts and licenses, and career opportunities.
MUSC 276. Advanced Pro Tools
Credits: 3
Prerequisite: MUSC 176.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
Students gain more in-depth and detailed knowledge of the Pro Tools system. The course covers all key concepts and skills needed to operate a Pro Tools system in a professional environment. Students will improve overall musical production abilities for projects in such areas as TV, film, commercials, websites, video games, or live artists.
MUSC 278. Post Production Techniques
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: MUSC 176.
Typically Offered: FALLSPR
The course covers techniques for working with digital audio recording systems in a professional post-production environment. Concepts and skills learned in MUSC 176/MUSC 276 and/or MUSC 178/MUSC 280 are reinforced with practical post-specific examples. Practical experience will be provided through participation in several real-world projects as well as lab work.
MUSC 280. Advanced Cakewalk Sonar Studio and Producer
Credits: 2
Prerequisite: MUSC 178.
Typically Offered: SPRING
Building on the skills learned in MUSC 178, students are guided through the details of recording, editing, mastering and mixing at a professional level - essential knowledge for any music producer, musician, songwriter, or film composer. Restricted to Digital Audio Production students only.