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Practical Nursing Certificate



Total Credits42

Degree Plan


Plan of Study Grid
Fall SemesterCredits
Prescribed Program
BIOL 220 Anatomy and Physiology I 3
BIOL 220L Anatomy and Physiology I Lab 1
PSYC 111 Introduction to Psychology 3
NURS 120 Foundations of Nursing 2
NURS 121 Practical Nursing I 4
NURS 122 Clinical Practice I 3
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
BIOL 221 Anatomy and Physiology II 3
BIOL 221L Anatomy and Physiology II Lab 1
PSYC 250 Developmental Psychology 3
PHRM 215 Introduction to Pharmacology 3
NURS 127 Practical Nursing II: Introduction to Medical/Surgical Nursing 2
NURS 145 Introduction to Maternal/Child Nursing 2
NURS 124 Clinical Practice II 3
Summer Semester
Prescribed Program
ENGL 110 College Composition I 3
NURS 126 Clinical Practice III 3
NURS 129 Practical Nursing III 3
 Total Credits42


Students must complete with "C" or better or "T" (test credit) or "S" (satisfactory) in all required program courses, including General Education requirements.

A grade of "C" or higher must be earned in all prescribed technical program requirement courses to continue in the program.