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Enrichment Course Matrix

There is a two-credit Enrichment requirement for completion of AA and AS degrees at Bismarck State College. The following list includes all courses designated as meeting this requirement; however, many of these courses also meet other general education requirements at the college. A course fulfilling a general education requirement within a different area may also fulfill the enrichment requirement if it is included in the following list. Contact your academic advisor with any questions related to this requirement.

Enrichment Courses

Art: Visual

Course Title Credits
ART 122Two-Dimensional Design3
ART 124Three-Dimensional Design3
ART 130Drawing I3
ART 220Painting I3
ART 221Painting II3
ART 230Drawing II3
ART 250Ceramics I3
ART 251Ceramics II3
ART 265Sculpture I2
ART 266Sculpture II2
ART 270Printmaking I3
ART 271Printmaking II3
ART 299Special Topics 11-3

Automotive Technology

Course Title Credits
AUTO 101Introduction to Automotive Technology3


Course Title Credits
BIOL 125Introduction to Ecology3
BIOL 125LIntroduction to Ecology Lab1


Course Title Credits
BCT 216Sustainable Building I3
CARP 112Introduction to the Green Environment3
CARP 180Introduction to Furniture Making3
CARP 185Furniture Making by Design3

Criminal Justice

Course Title Credits
CJ 235Field Experience and Internship3


Course Title Credits
ENGL 299Special Topics 11-3


Course Title Credits
HUMS 211Integrated Cultural Excursion1-3
HUMS 212Integrated Cultural Enrichment2


Course Title Credits
COMM 200Introduction to Media Writing3
COMM 206Digital Communication Fundamentals3
COMM 224Social Media Foundations3
COMM 225Introduction to Audio Production3
COMM 244Reporting and Feature Writing3
COMM 270Basic Video Production3
COMM 281Reporting and Editing: Mystician1
COMM 283Video Lab: MystiCast1
COMM 284Radio Lab: The MYX1
COMM 299Special Topics 11-3


Course Title Credits
MUSC 117Concert Choir1
MUSC 118Chamber Choir1
MUSC 121String Ensemble1
MUSC 132Band1
MUSC 137Jazz Ensemble1
MUSC 145Applied Music1
MUSC 146Applied Music - Major2
MUSC 299Special Topics 11-3


Course Title Credits
NURS 100Nurse Assistant Training2

Physical Education

Course Title Credits
HPER 100Concepts of Fitness and Wellness2
HPER 101Activity: Introductory Level1
HPER 150Varsity Athletics1
HPER 151Varsity Athletics1
HPER 202Activity: Intermediate Level1
HPER 210First Aid and CPR1
HPER 212Introduction to Self Defense1
HPER 250Varsity Athletics1
HPER 251Varsity Athletics1
HPER 299Special Topics 11-3

Prior Learning Assessment

Course Title Credits
PLA 201Prior Learning Assessment: Portfolio Development2


Course Title Credits
PSYC 105Personal Growth and Leadership2
PSYC 207Introduction to Sports and Performance Psychology3

Service Learning

Course Title Credits
UNIV 195Service Learning1-3


Course Title Credits
COMM 299Special Topics 11-3

Theatre Arts

Course Title Credits
THEA 161Acting I3
THEA 201Theatre Practicum1-3
THEA 247Stage Makeup3
THEA 255One Act Play Production1-3
THEA 270Stagecraft3



May satisfy requirements with permission of appropriate assistant dean or dean.