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Associate in Applied Science General Education & Diversity Matrix

Written Communications

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
ENGL 110College Composition I3NoYes
ENGL 120College Composition II3NoYes
ENGL 125Introduction to Professional Writing3NoYes

Oral Communications

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
COMM 110Fundamentals of Public Speaking3NoYes

Arts & Humanities (Lecture Courses)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
ART 110Introduction to the Visual Arts3YesYes
ART 210Art History I3YesYes
ART 211Art History II3YesYes
CIS 280Cyber Ethics3NoNo
ENGL 211Introduction to Creative Writing (Fiction)3NoYes
ENGL 222Introduction to Poetry3YesYes
ENGL 233Fantasy and Science Fiction3YesYes
ENGL 236Women and Literature3YesYes
ENGL 238Children's Literature3YesYes
ENGL 251British Literature I3YesYes
ENGL 252British Literature II3YesYes
ENGL 261American Literature I3YesYes
ENGL 262American Literature II3YesYes
ENGL 278Alternative Literature3YesYes
FREN 101First Year French I4NoYes
FREN 102First Year French II4NoYes
HIST 101Western Civilization I3NoYes
HIST 102Western Civilization II3NoYes
HIST 103United States to 18773NoYes
HIST 104United States Since 18773NoYes
HIST 105World Civilizations to 15003YesYes
HIST 106World Civilizations since 15003YesYes
HIST 220North Dakota History3NoYes
HIST 222History of the Western Frontier3NoYes
HIST 224American Studies I3NoYes
HIST 225American Studies II3NoYes
HIST 226Topics in History3NoNo
HIST 243Historical Investigations1-3NoNo
HUMS 210Integrated Cultural Studies3YesYes
HUMS 211Integrated Cultural Excursion1-3NoYes
HUMS 212Integrated Cultural Enrichment2NoYes
MUSC 100Music Appreciation3YesYes
MUSC 201World Music3YesYes
PHIL 101Introduction to Philosophy3YesYes
PHIL 210Ethics3NoYes
PHIL 220Introduction to Logic3NoYes
RELS 120Religion in America3YesYes
RELS 203World Religions3YesYes
SPAN 101First Year Spanish I4YesYes
SPAN 102First Year Spanish II4YesYes
SPAN 201Second Year Spanish I4YesYes
SPAN 202Second Year Spanish II4YesYes
THEA 110Introduction to Theatre Arts3YesYes

Arts & Humanities (Fine Arts Activities)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
ART 122Two-Dimensional Design3NoYes
ART 124Three-Dimensional Design3NoYes
ART 130Drawing I3NoYes
ART 220Painting I3NoYes
ART 221Painting II3NoYes
ART 230Drawing II3NoYes
ART 250Ceramics I3NoYes
ART 251Ceramics II3NoYes
ART 265Sculpture I2NoYes
ART 266Sculpture II2NoYes
MUSC 117Concert Choir1NoYes
MUSC 118Chamber Choir1NoYes
MUSC 121String Ensemble1NoYes
MUSC 132Band1NoYes
MUSC 137Jazz Ensemble1NoYes
MUSC 145Applied Music1NoYes
MUSC 146Applied Music - Major2NoYes
THEA 161Acting I3NoYes
THEA 261Acting II3NoYes

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
ANTH 170Physical Anthropology and Archeology3NoYes
ANTH 171Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3YesYes
CJ 201Introduction to Criminal Justice3YesYes
COMM 112Understanding Media and Social Change3NoYes
COMM 212Interpersonal Communication3NoYes
ECON 105Elements of Economics3NoYes
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics3YesYes
ECON 202Principles of Macroeconomics3NoYes
GEOG 161World Regional Geography3YesYes
GEOG 262Geography of North America3NoYes
POLS 115American Government3NoYes
POLS 116State and Local Government3NoYes
POLS 220International Politics3YesYes
POLS 240Political Ideologies3NoYes
PSYC 111Introduction to Psychology3NoYes
PSYC 211Introduction to Behavior Modification3NoNo
PSYC 250Developmental Psychology3NoYes
PSYC 261Psychology of Adjustment3NoNo
PSYC 270Psychological Disorders and Treatment3NoYes
SOC 110Introduction to Sociology3YesYes
SOC 115Social Problems3YesYes
SOC 220Family3YesYes
SOC 221Minority Relations3YesYes
SOC 235Cultural Diversity3YesYes
SOC 251Gerontology3YesYes
SOC 252Criminology3YesYes
SOC 275American Indian Studies3YesYes
SWK 256Development of Social Welfare3NoYes

Business, Math, Science and Technology (Business)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3NoNo
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3NoNo
BADM 202Principles of Management3NoNo
BADM 210Advertising I3NoNo
BADM 240Sales3NoNo
BADM 281Organizational Behavior3NoNo
BADM 282Human Resource Management3NoNo
BUSN 120Fundamentals of Business3NoNo

Business, Math, Science and Technology (Math)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
MATH 103College Algebra4NoYes
MATH 104Finite Mathematics3NoYes
MATH 105Trigonometry2NoYes
MATH 107Pre-Calculus4NoYes
MATH 110Math in Society3NoYes
MATH 137Applied Algebra3NoNo
MATH 146Applied Calculus I3NoYes
MATH 165Calculus I4NoYes
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3NoYes

Business, Math, Science and Technology (Science without Lab)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
BIOL 124Environmental Science3NoYes
NUTR 240Principles of Nutrition3NoNo

Business, Math, Science and Technology (Science with Lab)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
ATSC 110Meteorology3NoYes
ATSC 110LMeteorology Lab1NoYes
BIOL 111Concepts of Biology3NoYes
BIOL 111LConcepts of Biology Lab1NoYes
BIOL 115Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology3NoYes
BIOL 115LConcepts of Anatomy & Physiology Lab1NoYes
BIOL 125Introduction to Ecology3NoYes
BIOL 125LIntroduction to Ecology Lab1NoYes
BIOL 150General Biology I3NoYes
BIOL 150LGeneral Biology I Lab1NoYes
BIOL 151General Biology II3NoYes
BIOL 151LGeneral Biology II Lab1NoYes
BIOL 170General Zoology3NoYes
BIOL 170LGeneral Zoology Lab1NoYes
BIOL 220Anatomy and Physiology I3NoYes
BIOL 220LAnatomy and Physiology I Lab1NoYes
BIOL 221Anatomy and Physiology II3NoYes
BIOL 221LAnatomy and Physiology II Lab1NoYes
CHEM 112Introduction to Forensic Science3NoYes
CHEM 112LIntroduction to Forensic Science Lab1NoYes
CHEM 115Introductory Chemistry4NoYes
CHEM 115LIntroductory Chemistry Lab1NoYes
CHEM 116Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4NoYes
CHEM 116LIntroduction to Organic and Biochemistry Lab1NoYes
CHEM 121General Chemistry I4NoYes
CHEM 121LGeneral Chemistry I Lab1NoYes
CHEM 122General Chemistry II4NoYes
CHEM 122LGeneral Chemistry II Lab1NoYes
GEOG 121Physical Geography3NoYes
GEOG 121LPhysical Geography Lab1NoYes
GEOL 102Historical Geology3NoYes
GEOL 102LHistorical Geology Lab1NoYes
GEOL 105Physical Geology3NoYes
GEOL 105LPhysical Geology Lab1NoYes
MICR 202Introductory Microbiology3NoYes
MICR 202LIntroductory Microbiology Lab1NoYes
PHYS 100Concepts of Physics3NoYes
PHYS 100LConcepts of Physics Lab1NoYes
PHYS 110Introductory Astronomy3NoYes
PHYS 110LIntroductory Astronomy Lab1NoYes
PHYS 211College Physics I3NoYes
PHYS 211LCollege Physics I Lab1NoYes
PHYS 212College Physics II3NoYes
PHYS 212LCollege Physics II Lab1NoYes
PHYS 251University Physics I4NoYes
PHYS 251LUniversity Physics I Lab1NoYes
PHYS 252University Physics II4NoYes
PHYS 252LUniversity Physics II Lab1NoYes
PLSC 110World Food Crops2NoYes
PLSC 110LWorld Food Crops Lab1NoYes
SCNC 101Physical Science I3NoYes
SCNC 101LPhysical Science I Lab1NoYes
SCNC 102Physical Science II3NoYes
SCNC 102LPhysical Science II Lab1NoYes
SCNC 103Physical Science III3NoYes
SCNC 103LPhysical Science III Lab1NoYes
SOIL 210Introduction to Soil Science2NoNo
SOIL 210LIntroduction to Soil Science Lab1NoNo

Business, Math, Science and Technology (Technology)

Course Title Credits DiversityGERTA
CIS 147Principles of Information Security3NoYes
CIS 164Networking Fundamentals I4NoNo
CSCI 101Introduction to Computers3NoYes
CSCI 122Beginning Visual Basic3NoYes
CSCI 160Computer Science I4NoYes
CSCI 161Computer Science II4NoYes
GIS 105Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems3NoYes