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Clinical Exercise Science

Program Certificate



Total Credits32

Degree Plan

Prescribed Program

BIOL 115Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology3
BIOL 115LConcepts of Anatomy & Physiology Lab1
BIOL 220Anatomy and Physiology I3
BIOL 220LAnatomy and Physiology I Lab1
BIOL 221Anatomy and Physiology II3
BIOL 221LAnatomy and Physiology II Lab1
CHEM 121General Chemistry I4
CHEM 121LGeneral Chemistry I Lab1
CHEM 122General Chemistry II4
CHEM 122LGeneral Chemistry II Lab1
HPER 197Cooperative Education/Internship (Clinical Exercise Science)3
HPER 220Introduction to Exercise Science3
PHYS 211College Physics I3
PHYS 211LCollege Physics I Lab1
Total Credits32