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Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

Program Certificate



Total Credits44

Degree Plan


Plan of Study Grid
Fall SemesterCredits
Prescribed Program
SMTL 105 Sheet Metal I 3
SMTL 106 Sheet Metal II 6
SMTL 107 Sheet Metal III 4
SMTL 115 Practical Applications of Sheet Metal 4
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
HVAC 100 Introduction to Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 3
HVAC 103 Air Conditioning Theory and Components 5
HVAC 104 Heating Theory and Components 4
HVAC 114 Heating Systems Troubleshooting 5
Summer Semester
Prescribed Program
HVAC 213 Air Conditioning Systems Troubleshooting 5
REFG 215 Light Commercial Refrigeration 2
REFG 216 Domestic Refrigeration 3
 Total Credits44