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Mass Communication


Degrees Offered: AAS
Program Begins: Fall, Spring, Summer
Delivery Method: On Campus
Phone: 701-224-5486


Changes in the media world have shown that journalism students need training beyond the concentration of writing and reporting. The Bismarck State College Mass Communication program offers video and audio broadcast, as well as publishing and digital elements.

The degree plan provides background in the journalism/mass communication profession and conveys the importance and responsibility of presenting accurate information in the media. Courses cover ethical writing skills, print publication, web publication, news photography, and audio-video production.

The program offers hands-on professional experience working on BSC’s student print and online news magazine The Mystician, the student broadcast production MystiCast, the student radio station The MYX, and developing publications.

Journalism scholarships are available through the Bismarck State College Foundation. Scholarship recipients act as leaders for the different entities of Mystic Media, the BSC student productions. These positions include the Mystic Media Coordinator, The Mystician Editor-in-Chief, MystiCast Executive Producer, and The MYX Production Manger.


Students planning to study Mass Communication should have an interest in writing and the ability to communicate information obtained by observation and interview. Potential students should have curiosity about their world, an eye for detail, and a desire to learn by reading and talking to others. A background in writing, technology, business, and political science can be helpful. Experience with publications or broadcast is also beneficial.


Students who complete the curriculum requirements can earn a transfer degree, a technical degree, or graduate with both degrees.

Bismarck State College has many cooperative, articulation, or transfer agreements with postsecondary institutions both inside and outside of the North Dakota University System. Some of these agreements are established to allow students to remain on campus as they complete their bachelor’s degree. In all cases, students seeking to transfer after completing a degree at BSC should consult the academic catalog of their destination college and work with their academic advisor to plan for this transition.

Transfer – Associate in Arts

Students earning this degree will complete general courses with a focus on communications classes as electives.

Workforce – Associate in Applied Science

In this two-year program, students take core communications courses and then choose from a variety of electives based on interest and career plan. Students complete courses in writing and editing, broadcasting, audio/visual production, publication and web design, and public relations.

Career Opportunities

Careers in mass communication are diverse, and graduates will find employment in a variety of areas — print, broadcast or electronic media; advertising, marketing, or public relations; government, law, or politics; health, energy, or environmental corporations.

Career Possibilities: journalist, editor, news correspondent, columnist, media specialist, public relations manager, media planner, broadcast producer, photographer, videographer, audio-visual technician, web/technical writer or designer, media personality such as a disc jockey, news reporter or anchor.