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Advanced Digital Technologies

Associate in Applied Science




Prescribed Program48-54
General Education15
Digital Literacy
Total Credits63-69

Prescribed Program


Certificate 1 (Choose one option) 116-18
Certificate 2 (Choose one option) 116-18
Certificate 3 (Choose one option) 1 or 216-18
Total Credits48-54

General Education

Written or Oral Communications

ENGL 110College Composition I (Required)3
Select one of the following recommended courses:3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
College Composition II
Introduction to Professional Writing
Credits Subtotal6

Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences

Select one of the following recommended courses:3
United States to 1877
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Credits Subtotal3

Business, Math, Science & Technology

Select two of the following recommended courses (Two areas of study):6
Introduction to Computers
Math in Society
Applied Algebra
Principles of Information Security
Networking Fundamentals I
Credits Subtotal6
General Education Total Credits15



Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialist, Computer Networking, Foundations in Emerging Technologies, Modern Computing Technologies, Offensive and Defensive Security, Secure Programming, Secure Web Programming, Security and Hacking, Web Programming Foundations, Mobile Application Development, Additive Manufacturing.


Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Management, Career Readiness, Digital Broadcasting, Print and Digital Publications, Spanish I & II, Exercise Science, Sport and Fitness Entrepreneurship, Sport and Fitness Management.