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Automotive Technology

Associate in Applied Science




Prescribed Program60
General Education15
Digital Literacy
Total Credits75

Degree Plan


Plan of Study Grid
1st Year
Fall SemesterCredits
Prescribed Program
AUTO 108 Mechanical and Shop Orientation 1
AUTO 128 Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles 5
AUTO 161 Electronics 2
AUTO 163 Starting and Charging Systems 3
AUTO 164 Instruments and Accessory Systems 4
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
AUTO 131 Clutches, Drive Trains and Axles 3
AUTO 132 Manual Transmissions and Transaxles 3
AUTO 148 Suspension and Steering 4
AUTO 151 Brake Fundamentals 2
AUTO 152 Brake Repair 3
2nd Year
Fall Semester
Prescribed Program
AUTO 211 Engine Fundamentals 4
AUTO 212 Engine Repair 4
AUTO 271 A/C Heating Theory and Operation 3
AUTO 272 A/C & Heating Diagnosis 4
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
AUTO 282 Ignition Systems 3
AUTO 283 Fuel Delivery Systems 6
AUTO 284 Emission Control Systems 6
 Total Credits60

General Education

Written or Oral Communications

ENGL 110College Composition I3
Select one of the following:3
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
College Composition II
Introduction to Professional Writing
Credits Subtotal6

 Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences

Select one of the following recommended courses:3
United States to 1877
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Credits Subtotal3

 Business, Math, Science & Technology

Select two of the following recommended courses (Two areas of study):6
Introduction to Computers
Math in Society
Applied Algebra
Principles of Information Security
Networking Fundamentals I
Credits Subtotal6
General Education Total Credits15

Digital Literacy 


Select one of the following:
College Composition I
NDUS Institution Approved Training Course
NDUS Institution Designated Digital Literacy Course