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Automotive Technology





Prescribed Program60
General Education9
Total Credits69

Degree Plan


Plan of Study Grid
1st Year
Fall SemesterCredits
Prescribed Program
AUTO 108 Mechanical and Shop Orientation 1
AUTO 128 Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles 5
AUTO 161 Electronics 2
AUTO 163 Starting and Charging Systems 3
AUTO 164 Instruments and Accessory Systems 4
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
AUTO 131 Clutches, Drive Trains and Axles 3
AUTO 132 Manual Transmissions and Transaxles 3
AUTO 148 Suspension and Steering 4
AUTO 151 Brake Fundamentals 2
AUTO 152 Brake Repair 3
2nd Year
Fall Semester
Prescribed Program
AUTO 211 Engine Fundamentals 4
AUTO 212 Engine Repair 4
AUTO 271 A/C Heating Theory and Operation 3
AUTO 272 A/C & Heating Diagnosis 4
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
AUTO 282 Ignition Systems 3
AUTO 283 Fuel Delivery Systems 6
AUTO 284 Emission Control Systems 6
 Total Credits60

General Education

Written or Oral Communications

Select one of the following:3
College Composition I
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Credits Subtotal3

Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences

Select one of the following recommended courses:3
United States to 1877
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Credits Subtotal3

Business, Math, Science & Technology

CSCI 101Introduction to Computers (Recommended)3
Credits Subtotal3
General Education Total Credits9