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Civil Engineering Technology

Associate in Applied Science




Prescribed Program44
General Education16-19
Digital Literacy
Total Credits60-63

Degree Plan

Prescribed Program


CAD 201Fundamentals of Graphical Communication3
CAD 212Introduction to Building Modeling3
CAD 213Introduction to Civil Drafting3
GIS 105Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems3
GIS 107GIS Applications3
CT 151Spreadsheets for Engineering Technology and Surveying1
CT 219Introduction to Planning & Development2
CT 234Water Management Technology3
CT 234LWater Management Technology Lab1
CT 250Applied Statics and Mechanics of Materials3
CT 250LApplied Statics and Mechanics of Materials Lab1
CT 251Materials Testing3
CT 251LMaterials Testing Lab1
CT 252Construction Project Management3
ENGR 204Surveying I3
ENGR 204LSurveying I Lab1
ENGR 205Surveying II3
ENGR 205LSurveying II Lab1
MATH 210Elementary Statistics3
Total Credits44

General Education

Written or Oral Communications 

ENGL 110College Composition I (Required)3
COMM 110Fundamentals of Public Speaking (Required)3
Credits Subtotal6

Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences

Select one of the following recommended courses:3
United States to 1877
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Credits Subtotal3

Business, Math, Science & Technology

CSCI 101Introduction to Computers (or other CSCI course) 13-4
Select one of the following:4-6
College Algebra
and Trigonometry
Credits Subtotal7-10
General Education Total Credits16-19

Digital Literacy


Select one of the following:
College Composition I
NDUS Institution Approved Training Course
NDUS Institution Designated Digital Literacy Course



Any of the following courses will satisfy Business, Math, Science & Technology: CSCI 101CSCI 122, CSCI 160 or CSCI 161.