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Farm and Ranch Management

Associate in Applied Science




Prescribed Program31-32
General Education15
Digital Literacy
Total Credits63-73

Degree Plan


Plan of Study Grid
1st Year
Fall SemesterCredits
Prescribed Program
AGRI 115 Agricultural Solutions 3
ANSC 114 Introduction to Animal Sciences 2
ANSC 114L Introduction to Animal Sciences Lab 1
H&CE 241 Leadership and Presentation Techniques 2
PAG 115 Introduction to Precision Agriculture 3
General Education
Written or Oral Communications
ENGL 110 College Composition I (Required) 3
Business, Math, Science & Technology
PLSC 110 World Food Crops (Required) 2
PLSC 110L World Food Crops Lab (Required) 1
Prescribed Electives
Select 0-3 credits from the list below 1 0-3
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
AGEC 246 Introduction to Agricultural Finance 3
General Education
Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Science
ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics (Required) 3
Prescribed Electives
Select 6-9 credits from the list below 1 6-9
Summer Semester
Prescribed Program
AGRI 297 Cooperative Education/Internship (Farm and Ranch) 2
2nd Year
Fall Semester
Prescribed Program
AGEC 242 Introduction to Agricultural Management 3-4
AGEC 252 Farm Management Seminar 3
SOIL 210 Introduction to Soil Science 2
SOIL 210L Introduction to Soil Science Lab 1
General Education
Written or Oral Communications
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition II
Introduction to Professional Writing
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Prescribed Electives
Select 5-6 credits from the list below 1 5-6
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
AGEC 244 Introduction to Agricultural Marketing 3
ANSC 123 Feeds and Feeding 2
ANSC 123L Feeds and Feeding Lab 1
General Education
Business, Math, Science & Technology
CSCI 101 Introduction to Computers (Required) 3
Prescribed Electives
Select 6-8 credits from the list below 1 6-8
 Total Credits63-73

Digital Literacy 


Select one of the following:
College Composition I
NDUS Institution Approved Training Course
NDUS Institution Designated Digital Literacy Course



A total of 17 Prescribed Electives are required for degree.

Prescribed Electives

AGEC 141Introduction to Agribusiness Management (Spring only)1-2
AGEC 250AgriSales (Spring only)3
AGEC 251Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (Spring)2
AGRI 191First Year Seminar (Fall only)1-2
AGRI 289Agriculture Industry Training1-3
ANSC 220Livestock Production (Spring only)2
ANSC 220LLivestock Production Lab (Spring only)1
ANSC 252Large Ruminant Production (Spring only)2
ANSC 255Livestock Technology (Spring only)2
ASM 130Agriculture Industry Machinery Operation (Spring only)2
ASM 175Agriculture Industry Skills (Fall only)3
ASM 244Agricultural Machinery Technology2
PAG 215Mapping of Precision Ag Data (Spring only)2
PAG 286Advanced Mapping (Spring only)2
PAG 276Data Collection and Management (Fall only)2
PLSC 223Introduction to Weed Science (Spring only)2
PLSC 223LIntroduction to Weed Science Lab (Spring only)1
PLSC 225Principles of Crop Production (Fall only)3
PLSC 235Field Scouting Techniques (Spring only)2
PLSC 235LField Scouting Techniques Lab (Summer only)1
PLSC 243Advanced Weed Science (Spring only)2
PLSC 245Advanced Crop Production (Spring only)2
RNG 236Introduction to Range Management (Fall only)3
SOIL 222Soil Fertility and Fertilizers (Spring only)2
SOIL 222LSoil Fertility and Fertilizers Lab (Spring only)1
VETS 101Introduction to Veterinary Science (Spring only)2
VETS 239Animal Health (Fall only)3