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Paramedic Technology

Associate in Applied Science




Prescribed Program43
General Education15
Digital Literacy
Total Credits62-63

Degree Plan


Plan of Study Grid
Fall SemesterCredits
Prescribed Program
EMS 208 Introduction to Advanced Pre-Hospital Care 2
EMS 210 Emergency Pharmacology/Fluid Therapy 3
EMS 212 Airway Management and Ventilation 1
EMS 214 Comprehensive Patient Assessment 2
EMS 218 Respiratory Emergencies 1
EMS 220 Cardiac Emergencies I 2
EMS 240 Hospital Clinical I 2
EMS 242 Field Experience I 1
EMS 244 Skill Lab I 1
Prescribed Electives
Select one of the following pairs: 4
Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology
and Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology Lab
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
Spring Semester
Prescribed Program
EMS 216 Trauma Patient Management 2
EMS 221 Cardiac Emergencies II 2
EMS 223 Medical Patient Management 2
EMS 224 Special Considerations 3
EMS 228 EMS Communications 2
EMS 250 Hospital Clinical II 2
EMS 252 Field Experience II 2
EMS 254 Skill Lab II 1
Summer Semester
Prescribed Program
EMS 226 EMS Operations 3
EMS 230 ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) 1
EMS 231 PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) 1
EMS 232 PHTLS-Prehospital Trauma Life Support 1
EMS 235 Paramedic Summation 1
EMS 282 Field Capstone 3
EMS 284 Skill Lab III 2
 Total Credits47

General Education

Written or Oral Communications

ENGL 110College Composition I3
Select one of the following:3
College Composition II
Introduction to Professional Writing
Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Credits Subtotal6

Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences

Select one of the following recommended courses:3
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Credits Subtotal3

Business, Math, Science & Technology

Select two of the following recommended courses (Two areas of study):6
Introduction to Computers 1
Principles of Information Security 1
Networking Fundamentals I
Math in Society
Applied Algebra
Credits Subtotal6
General Education Total Credits15

Digital Literacy 


Select one of the following:
College Composition I
NDUS Institution Approved Training Course
NDUS Institution Designated Digital Literacy Course


American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS-Healthcare Provider) CPR must remain valid throughout the Program.

Prerequisite: Current certification or licensure as Emergency Medical Technician

Students are required to earn "C" or higher or "T" (test credit) or "S" (satisfactory) in all designated courses for successful completion of the program.