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Engineering Technology

Associate in Applied Science




Prescribed Program51
General Education15-18
Digital Literacy
Total Credits66-69

Degree Plan

Prescribed Program


CAD 201Fundamentals of Graphical Communication3
CAD 212Introduction to Building Modeling (Spring only)3
CAD 213Introduction to Civil Drafting (Fall only)3
COMM 110Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
CT 151Spreadsheets for Engineering Technology and Surveying (Spring only)1
CT 219Introduction to Planning & Development (Spring only)2
CT 225Land Descriptions (Spring only)2
CT 228Boundary and Cadastral Surveying (Fall only)3
CT 229Advanced Boundary Surveying (Spring only)2
CT 234Water Management Technology (Spring only)3
CT 234LWater Management Technology Lab (Spring only)1
CT 250Applied Statics and Mechanics of Materials (Fall only)3
CT 250LApplied Statics and Mechanics of Materials Lab (Fall only)1
CT 251Materials Testing (Spring only)3
CT 251LMaterials Testing Lab (Spring only)1
CT 252Construction Project Management (Spring only)3
ENGR 204Surveying I (Spring only)3
ENGR 204LSurveying I Lab (Spring only)1
ENGR 205Surveying II (Fall only)3
ENGR 205LSurveying II Lab (Fall only)1
GIS 105Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems3
GIS 107GIS Applications3
Total Credits51

General Education

Written or Oral Communications

ENGL 110College Composition I3
ENGL 125Introduction to Professional Writing3
Credits Subtotal6

Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences

General Education Matrix (Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences)3
Credits Subtotal3

Business, Math, Science & Technology

CSCI 101Introduction to Computers (or higher level CSCI course required) 23
Select one of the following:3-6
College Algebra
and Trigonometry 1
Calculus I
Credits Subtotal6-9
General Education Total Credits15-18

Digital Literacy


Select one of the following:
Introduction to Computers 2
Principles of Information Security 2
BSC Approved Training Course
NDUS Institution Approved Training Course
NDUS Institution Designated Digital Literacy Course



MATH 103 and MATH 105 are required as a pair to satisfy this degree requirement if either MATH 107 or MATH 165 are not chosen.


CSCI 101, CIS 147 or courses transferred in from another NDUS Institution that are listed as both general education and digital literacy may satisfy both requirements upon successful completion.

Transfer Option - Students who may possibly pursue a four-year degree in Engineering at a later date should consider the following course changes:

Substitute:  ENGR 201 Statics (3 credits) and ENGR 203 Mechanics of Materials (3 credits) for CT 250 and CT 250L Applied Statics and Mechanics/Lab (3/1 Credits). Students should consult with the Engineering Technology program coordinator prior to this substitution.